

International Journal Of Advanced Research In Engineering Technology And Sciences
Science and technology
ISSN:-2349-2819 Follow us - Science and technology Sceince and Technology Science and Technology Scinece and Technology Scinece and Technology
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You Can send article editor@ijarets.org Impact Factor-7.10 CALL FOR PAPER VOLUME-11 ISSUE-5 May-2024 LAST DATE FOR PAPER SUBMISSION 28 May-2024


Welcome To IJARETS

Welcome to the International Journal of Advance Research In Engineering And Technology (IJARETS). Impact Factor 7.10 The journal is an international forum for scientists and engineers in all aspects of Computer Science and Information Technology publishing high-quality and refereed papers. IJARETS aims to contribute to the constant scientific research and training, so as to promote research in the field of Computer Science and Information Technology Engineering. This is a double-blind Peer- reviewed and refereed international journal publishing high-quality articles. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. For this purpose, we would like to ask you to contribute your valuable papers in the field of Computer Sciences & Engineering, and Information Technology. I hope you find this journal informative and useful. It is a new initiative. Your comments will help us to improve the quality and content of the journal. This Journal Was  Started  Jan 2014, We Publish 12 Issues In A Year.


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